This sub-resource allows the user to retrieve BUY order history information.
Operation: GET
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Investor-id | Integer | Yes | Investor’s Actor ID |
Query Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
orderTypes | List | No | Types of orders made. e.g. “BUY” or “SELL” |
orderItemStatuses | List | No | Status of orders being retrieved. e.g. “EXECUTED” |
Offset | Integer | No | Retrieve a subset of loans starting with the offset value |
limit | Integer | No | Limit the number of results returned. Default value is 10 |
startDate | String | No | Earliest |
endDate | String | No | Latest |
marketTypes | String | No | Accepted |
Supported formats: JSON
Request Payload:
JSON request for submit order For the parameters where the Type is a List, the different values must be separated by commas, whereas for non-list parameter types, the values
must be separated by an `&`.
For example:,CONFIRMED&startDate=2019-10-31T10:05:45-08:00
Basket Parameters:
In order history response, two new fields may appear under each sell order:
orderCategory indicates the type for the sale, if value is BASKET then the sell order
is BASKET sale. Otherwise it is individual.
Response Parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
investorId | Integer | Investor’s Actor ID |
startDate | String | Start date of the order history |
endDate | String | End date of the order history |
offset | BigDecimal | Offset |
limit | Integer | Limit of the number of orders returned |
orders | An array of orders (see details below) |
Name | Type | Description |
orderExecutionType | String | Order Type |
orderCreatedDate | String | Date the order was created |
totalOutstandingPrincipal | BigDecimal | Principal outstanding on the loan |
totalAccruedInterest | BigDecimal | Interest accrued on the loan |
orderItems | String | The items and details related to the order (see details below) |
auctionType | String | Describes the auction type for the trade – “ACTIVE” |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique id for the order |
status | String | Status of the order being retrieved: Listed, Executed, Rejected, Execution_Failed |
statusDate | String | Date of the status |
itemStatusReason | String | Reason |
loanId | String | Unique LendingClub ID number for the loan |
bidPricePercent | Big Decimal | 1.0 is 100% or par |
askPricePercent | Big Decimal | askPricePercentage * PrincipalOutstanding + accruedInterest * 100% = askPrice |
askPriceEffectiveDate | Big Decimal | Date the ask price became effective |
outstandingPrincipal | Big Decimal | Principal outstanding on the loan |
startListingDate | String | Listing date of the loan |
roomName | String | Room that the order was placed in |
HTTP Status Summary:
Code | Description |
200 | Success |
202 | Accepted |
400 | Validation or business error |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not found |
500 | Unexpected failure |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"investorId": 123123123,
"startDate": "2020-05-11T19:24:18.955Z",
"endDate": "2020-05-26T19:24:18.955Z",
"limit": 10,
"orders": [
"id": 64106,
"orderExecutionType": "BUY",
"orderCreatedDate": "2020-05-26T19:10:59.201Z",
"totalOutstandingPrincipal": "USD 0.000000000000",
"totalAccruedInterest": "USD 0.000000000000",
"id": 76279,
"status": "REJECTED",
"statusDate": "2020-05-26T19:12:00.504Z",
"loanId": 181932125,
"bidPricePercent": 1.000000000000,
"askPricePercent": 1.000000000000,
"askPriceEffectiveDate": "2020-05-26T17:00:00.000Z",
"outstandingPrincipal": "0.000000000000",
"accruedInterest": "0.000000000000",
"startListingDate": "2020-05-26T16:21:40.432Z",
"roomName": "PRIMARY_MARKET"
"marketType": "PRIMARY",
"auctionType": "ACTIVE"
"id": 64103,
"orderExecutionType": "BUY",
"orderCreatedDate": "2020-05-26T19:09:09.112Z",
"totalOutstandingPrincipal": "USD 0.000000000000",
"totalAccruedInterest": "USD 0.000000000000",
"orderItems": [
"id": 76276,
"status": "REJECTED",
"statusDate": "2020-05-26T19:09:09.118Z",
"loanId": 181922168,
"bidPricePercent": 1.000000000000,
"askPricePercent": 1.000000000000,
"askPriceEffectiveDate": "2020-05-26T19:06:37.511Z",
"outstandingPrincipal": "0.000000000000",
"accruedInterest": "0.000000000000",
"startListingDate": "2020-05-26T19:06:37.511Z",
"roomName": "PRIMARY_MARKET"
"marketType": "PRIMARY",
"auctionType": 'ACTIVE"
"id": 64063,
"orderExecutionType": "BUY",
"orderCreatedDate": "2020-05-22T21:02:28.542Z",
"totalOutstandingPrincipal": "USD 10625.000000000000",
"totalAccruedInterest": "USD 0.000000000000",
"orderItems": [
"id": 76168,
"status": "EXECUTED",
"statusDate": "2020-05-22T21:03:57.845Z",
"loanId": 181379133,
"bidPricePercent": 0.900000000000,
"askPricePercent": 0.900000000000,
"askPriceEffectiveDate": "2020-05-22T21:00:00.000Z",
"outstandingPrincipal": "10625.000000000000",
"startListingDate": "2020-05-22T21:00:00.000Z",
"roomName": "PRIMARY_MARKET"
"marketType": "PRIMARY",
"auctionType": "ACTIVE"
"id": 64061,
"orderExecutionType": "BUY",
"orderCreatedDate": "2020-05-22T21:00:16.983Z",
"totalOutstandingPrincipal": "USD 10625.000000000000",
"totalAccruedInterest": "USD 0.000000000000",
"orderItems": [
"id": 76166,
"status": "EXECUTED",
"statusDate": "2020-05-22T21:03:12.824Z",
"loanId": 181379128,
"bidPricePercent": 1.100000000000,
"askPricePercent": 1.100000000000,
"askPriceEffectiveDate": "2020-05-22T21:00:00.000Z",
"outstandingPrincipal": "10625.000000000000",
"startListingDate": "2020-05-22T21:00:00.000Z",
"roomName": "PRIMARY_MARKET"
"marketType": "PRIMARY",
"auctionType": "ACTIVE"
"id": 64060,
"orderExecutionType": "BUY",
"orderCreatedDate": "2020-05-22T19:00:54.259Z",
"totalOutstandingPrincipal": "USD 1000.000000000000",
"totalAccruedInterest": "USD 0.000000000000",
"orderItems": [
"id": 76165,
"status": "EXECUTED",
"statusDate": "2020-05-22T19:04:01.126Z",
"loanId": 181379131,
"bidPricePercent": 1.000000000000,
"askPricePercent": 1.000000000000,
"askPriceEffectiveDate": "2020-05-22T19:00:52.684Z",
"outstandingPrincipal": "1000.000000000000",
"accruedInterest": "0.000000000000",
"startListingDate": "2020-05-22T19:00:52.684Z",
"roomName": "PRIMARY_MARKET"
"marketType": "PRIMARY",
"auctionType": "ACTIVE"
"id": 64058,
"orderExecutionType": "BUY",
"orderCreatedDate": "2020-05-22T17:10:42.507Z",
"totalOutstandingPrincipal": "USD 10625.000000000000",
"totalAccruedInterest": "USD 0.000000000000",
"orderItems": [
"id": 76163,
"status": "EXECUTED",
"statusDate": "2020-05-22T17:15:51.984Z",
"loanId": 181402120,
"bidPricePercent": 1.100000000000,
"askPricePercent": 1.100000000000,
"askPriceEffectiveDate": "2020-05-22T17:00:00.000Z",
"outstandingPrincipal": "10625.000000000000",
"startListingDate": "2020-05-22T17:00:00.000Z",
"roomName": "PRIMARY_MARKET"
"marketType": "PRIMARY",
"auctionType": "ACTIVE"