This sub-resource allows investors to retrieve information related to the notes (loans) held in the accounts.
Operation: GET
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Investor-id | Integer | Yes | Investor’s Actor ID |
Query Parameters: None
Supported formats: JSON
Response Parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
contents | Array | The array of notes held in the account |
loanId | Integer | Unique LendingClub ID number for the loan. |
noteId | Integer | Unique LendingClub ID for the Note. |
noteStatus | String | Status of the note. Can be ISSUED CURRENT GRACE PERIOD LATE 16-30 DAYS LATE 31-120 DAYS DEFAULT CHARGED-OFF |
noteAmount | BigDecimal | Value of the Note based on the principal outstanding. |
term | Integer | The Number of payments on the loan. Values are in months and can be either 36 or 60. |
grade | String | LendingClub assigned loan grade. |
rate | Number | Interest rate that is being charged for the loan. |
subGrade | String | LendingClub assigned loan subgrade. |
expDefaultRate | Number | The expected default rate of the loan. |
serviceFeeRate | Number | Service fee rate paid by the investor for this loan. |
purpose | String | A |
loanAmount | Number | The |
loanStatus | String | Status of the loan. |
orderId | Integer | Unique ID for the order placed. |
issuedDate | Date | Date one which the loan was issued to the borrower. |
outstandingPrincipal | BigDecimal | Principal outstanding on the Note/Loan |
portfolioId | String | ID of the portfolio this Note is part of. |
portfolioName | String | Name of the portfolio |
nextPaymentDate | Date | Date when the next payment for the loan is scheduled to be paid. |
paymentsReceived | BigDecimal | Total amount of settled payments received. Payments in flight not included. |
orderDate | Date | Date when the order was placed for the loan. |
loanStatusDate | Date | Date that the loanStatus field changed most recently. |
interestPending | BigDecimal | Pending amount of interest the investor is expecting once a payment settles |
principalReceived | BigDecimal | Total principal received by the investor |
interestReceived | BigDecimal | Total interest received by investor. Only includes settled payments, not payments in |
interestReceived | BigDecimal | Total interest received by investor. Only includes settled payments, not payments in flight |
currentPaymentStatus | String | Status of the most recent expected payment. |
canBeTraded | Boolean | Flag to indicate whether the loan can be traded. |
accruedInterest | BigDecimal | Amount of interested accrued since the previous payment. |
applicationType | String | The loan application type. Valid values are "INDIVIDUAL" or "JOINT". |
disbursementMethod | String | It will indicate the loan disbursement method. Valid values are "DIRECT_PAY" or "CASH". |
pendingPrincipalPayment | BigDecimal | Pending amount of principal the investor is expecting once a payment settles. |
noteIssuedDate | Date | Total amount of late fees received by the investor from the loan. |
loanType | String | Type of application LEAD INVITATION APPLICATION |
noteType | String | Type of the note |
wasPurchasedSecondary | String | Indicator if this loan was purchased previously on the secondary market – can be “1” or “0”. |
firstMonthPayment | BigDecimal | Amount paid by borrower in the first month. |
purchasePrincipal | BigDecimal | The remaining principal on the loan as of the date of the last sale. |
originalAssetAmount | BigDecimal | The remaining principal on the loan as of the date of the last sale. |
originalContractDueDate | Integer | Day of month that the borrower was originally meant to make monthly payment. |
originalContractDueDate | Integer | Day of month that the borrower was originally meant to make monthly payment. |
newDueDate | Integer | Day of the month that the regular payment date has been changed to. |
countPayDay | Integer | The number of times the borrower has requested to change their payment date. |
purchaseInterest | BigDecimal | The amount of accrued interest that has not been received as of the date of the last sale. |
actorId | Integer | Owner’s actor ID. |
productId | String | Product ID of the loan. |
jointApp | Boolean | Indicator if this loan is a joint application or not. |
neverLate | Boolean | Indicates |
HTTP Status Summary:
Code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Validation or business error |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not found |
500 | Unexpected failure |
Sample Response:
"content": [ {
"loanId": "169052568",
"noteId": "215470136",
"noteStatus": "ISSUED",
"noteAmount": 6045,
"term": 36,
"grade": "A",
"rate": 10.81,
"subGrade": null,
"expDefaultRate": null,
"serviceFeeRate": null,
"purpose": "Debt Consolidation",
"loanAmount": 6000,
"loanStatus": "Current",
"orderId": "247571204",
"issuedDate": "2020-06-05",
"outstandingPrincipal": 4522.59,
"portfolioId": null,
"portfolioName": null,
"nextPaymentDate": "2021-05-11",
"paymentsReceived": 1951.79,
"orderDate": "2020-06-04",
"loanStatusDate": "2021-04-05",
"interestPending": 0,
"principalReceived": 1477.41,
"interestReceived": 474.38,
"currentPaymentStatus": "Completed",
"canBeTraded": true,
"accruedInterest": 13.58,
"applicationType": "JOINT",
"disbursementMethod": "CASH",
"pendingPrincipalPayment": 0,
"lateFeesReceived": 0,
"noteIssuedDate": "2020-06-09",
"loanType": "Personal",
"noteType": "1",
"wasPurchasedSecondary": "0",
"firstMonthPayment": null,
"purchasePrincipal": 6000,
"originalAssetAmount": 6000,
"originalContractDueDate": 5,
"newDueDate": " ",
"countPayDay": 0,
"purchaseInterest": 0,
"actorId": "202101826",
"productId": "1",
"jointApp": true,
"neverLate": true
}, {
"loanId": "169060877",
"noteId": "215414933",
"noteStatus": "ISSUED",
"noteAmount": 5000,
"term": 36,
"grade": "A",
"rate": 10.19,
"subGrade": null,
"expDefaultRate": null,
"serviceFeeRate": null,
"purpose": "Home Improvement",
"loanAmount": 5000,
"loanStatus": "Current",
"orderId": "247490993",
"issuedDate": "2020-06-03",
"outstandingPrincipal": 3760.04,
"portfolioId": null,
"portfolioName": null,
"nextPaymentDate": "2021-05-07",
"paymentsReceived": 1615.07,
"orderDate": "2020-06-02",
"loanStatusDate": "2021-04-03",
"interestPending": 0,
"principalReceived": 1239.96,
"interestReceived": 375.11,
"currentPaymentStatus": "Completed",
"canBeTraded": true,
"accruedInterest": 12.77,
"applicationType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"disbursementMethod": "CASH",
"pendingPrincipalPayment": 0,
"lateFeesReceived": 0,
"noteIssuedDate": "2020-06-05",
"loanType": "Personal",
"noteType": "1",
"wasPurchasedSecondary": "0",
"firstMonthPayment": null,
"purchasePrincipal": 5000,
"originalAssetAmount": 5000,
"originalContractDueDate": 3,
"newDueDate": " ",
"countPayDay": 0,
"purchaseInterest": 0,
"actorId": "202101826",
"productId": "1",
"jointApp": false,
"neverLate": true
}, {
"loanId": "169063913",
noteId": "215421276",
"noteStatus": "ISSUED",
"noteAmount": 6982.5,
"term": 36,
"grade": "A",
"rate": 10.19,
"subGrade": null,
"expDefaultRate": null,
"serviceFeeRate": null,
"purpose": "Debt Consolidation",
"loanAmount": 7000,
"loanStatus": "Fully Paid",
"orderId": "247591026",
"issuedDate": "2020-06-03",
"outstandingPrincipal": 0,
"portfolioId": null,
"portfolioName": null,
"nextPaymentDate": "2021-01-22",
"paymentsReceived": 7383.21,
"orderDate": "2020-06-02",
"loanStatusDate": "2021-01-11",
"interestPending": 0,
"principalReceived": 7000,
"interestReceived": 383.21,
"currentPaymentStatus": "Paid Off",
"canBeTraded": true,
"accruedInterest": 0,
"applicationType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"disbursementMethod": "CASH",
"pendingPrincipalPayment": 0,
"lateFeesReceived": 0,
"noteIssuedDate": "2020-06-05",
"loanType": "Personal",
"noteType": "1",
"wasPurchasedSecondary": "0",
"firstMonthPayment": null,
"purchasePrincipal": 7000,
"originalAssetAmount": 7000,
"originalContractDueDate": 3,
"newDueDate": " ",
"countPayDay": 0,
"purchaseInterest": 0,
"actorId": "202101826",
"productId": "1",
"jointApp": false,
"neverLate": false