This sub-resource allows investors to retrieve information related to their financial summary,
including available balance, committed cash, etc.
Operation: GET
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Investor-id | Integer | Yes | Investor’s Actor ID |
Query Parameters: NONE
Supported formats: JSON
Response Parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
investableAmount | BigDecimal | Investable amount |
availableBalance | BigDecimal | Available balance. The value of this attribute is the same with investableAmount |
lockedAmount | BigDecimal | Locked amount for investment. For example, referral bonuses |
withdrawableAmount | BigDecimal | Withdrawable amount. This amount is equal to (availableBalance – lockedAmount) |
committedCash | BigDecimal | The amount that committed to purchase loans, while the loans haven’t been issued to borrowers yet |
chargedOffOutstandingPrincipal | BigDecimal | Total outstanding principal of charged-off loans in the account |
outStandingPrincipal | BigDecimal | Total outstanding principal of non-charged-off loans in the account |
adjustmentForPastDueNotes | BigDecimal | Sum of adjustment for past due notes (Not applicable for institutional investors) |
HTTP Status Summary:
Code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Validation or business error |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not found |
500 | Unexpected failure |
Sample Response:
"investableAmount": 403491.14,
"availableBalance": 403491.14,
"withdrawableAmount": 403491.14,
"lockedAmount": 0.00,
"committedCash": 0.00,
"chargedOffOutstandingPrincipal": 0.00,
"outStandingPrincipal": 15399.13,
"adjustmentForPastDueNotes": 0.00