This sub-resource allows the user to view the loans currently listed on the market. The API currently returns the entire list of loans listed in the Central Marketplace of the platform.
Operation: GET
Path Parameters: None
Query Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
offset | Integer | No | Retrieve a subset of loans starting with the offset value |
limit | Integer | No | Limit the number of results returned |
roomName | String | No | Limit the results to the items in a given room |
includeIndividual | Boolean | No | Retrieve loans listed as individual items in the listing |
includeBasket | Boolean | No | Retrieve loans listed as part of a basket. If used, this query parameter will return all baskets |
The query parameters includeIndividual and includeBasket are optional. If both parameters are excluded, the listings will return all loans in the listing.
Supported formats: json
For the Listings GET call, users must include the Accept: application/json header and exclude the Content-Type header.
All values can be null.
Basket Sales Response Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
offset | Integer | No | Offset and limit for basket order is on the basket level, a limit of 3 will show 3 whole baskets with all of their items |
limit | Integer | No | Limit the number of results returned |
In addition to the individual item attributes, there are some basket level attributes for each basket:
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | String | Basket identifier which equals to sell order id, buyer can use this to bid against basket |
estimatedTotalAskPrice | Integer | Sum of dollar amount ask price of items within basket |
totalValue | BigDecimal | Sum of all OP and AI of items within basket |
totalOutstandingPrincipal | String | Sum of all OP of items within basket |
totalAccruedInterest | Number | Sum of all AI of items within basket |
itemCount | Number | Total count of items within basket |
allOrNoneFlag | Boolean | This flag can be TRUE or FALSE and determines how loans are settled upon |
Response Parameters:
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
acceptDate | String | The date which the borrower accepted the offer |
accNowDelinq | Integer | How many accounts this borrower has that are delinquent |
accOpenPast24mths | Integer | Number of trades opened in past 24 months |
accruedInterest | BigDecimal | Amount of interested accrued since the previous payment |
addrState | String | The address state provided by the borrower during loan application |
allUtil | Number | Balance to credit limit on all trades |
annualInc | Number | The annual income provided by the borrower during registration |
annualIncJoint | Number | The joint annual income if the applicationType is "JOINT" |
applicationType | String | The loan application type. Valid values are "INDIVIDUAL" or "JOINT" |
askPricePercentage | BigDecimal | 1.0 is 100% or par This field is always returned. askPricePercentage * PrincipalOutstanding + accruedInterest * 100% = askPrice |
askPriceBasis | String | The basis on which the askPrice is based. For example: "Principal" |
avgCurBal | Integer | Average current balance of all accounts |
bcOpenToBuy | Integer | Total open to buy on revolving bankcards |
bcUtil | Number | Ratio of total current balance to high credit/credit limit for all bankcard accounts |
chargeoffWithin12Mths | Integer | Number of charge-offs within 12 months |
collectionRecoveryFee | BigDecimal | Total collection fee paid by the investor on this loan |
collections12MthsExMed | Integer | Number of collections in 12 months excluding medical collections |
countPayDay | Integer | The number of times the borrower has requested to change their payment date |
currentPaymentStatus | String | Status of the most recent expected payment |
debtSettlementFlag | String | Indicator whether a borrower agreed to a settlement plan - can be Y or N |
debtSettlementFlagDate | Date | Date when the loan entered debt settlement |
deferralTerm | Integer | Number of months borrower payments have been deferred |
delinq2yrs | Integer | The Number of 30+ days past-due incidences of delinquency in the borrower's credit file for the past 2 years |
delinqAmnt | Number | The past-due amount owed for the accounts on which the borrower is now delinquent |
description | String | Loan description provided by the borrower |
disbursementMethod | String | It will indicate the loan disbursement method. Valid values are "DIRECT_PAY" or "CASH" |
dti | Number | The borrower's debt to income ratio, calculated using the monthly |
dtiJoint | Number | The joint debt to joint income ratio. This field is populated if the |
earliestCrLineDate | Date | The date the borrower's earliest reported credit line was opened |
empLength | Integer | Employment length in months. Possible values are whole numbers from 0 and higher. Null indicates not employed |
empTitle | String | Employment title |
expDate | Date | Expiration date of listing |
expDefaultRate | Number | The expected default rate of the loan |
ficoRangeHigh | Integer | The upper boundary of range the borrower's FICO belongs to |
ficoRangeLow | Integer | The lower boundary of range the borrower's FICO belongs to |
firstMonthPayment | BigDecimal | Amount paid by borrower in the first month |
grade | String | LendingClub assigned loan grade |
hardshipAmount | BigDecimal | Payment amount per pay period of a loan in a hardship plan |
hardshipDaysPastDue | Integer | Number of days borrower is past due on when they start a hardship payment plan |
hardshipEndDate | Date | Due date for the final payment of a hardship plan |
hardshipFlag | String | Indicator for whether loan is currently on an active hardship plan - can be Y or N |
hardshipLastPaymentAmount | BigDecimal | The most recent payment amount of the loan before the start of the hardship payment plan |
hardshipLength | Integer | Number of payments on the hardship plan |
hardshipLoanStatus | String | The most recent status of the loan before the start of the hardship payment plan |
hardshipPayoffBalanceAmount | BigDecimal | The payoff balance amount on the start of the hardship payment plan |
hardshipStartDate | Date | The due date of the first payment for the Hardship payment plan. |
hardshipStatus | String | "Status Code: NONE PENDING ACTIVE CANCELED (historic use) COMPLETED BROKEN |
hardshipType | String | "Hardship type: ""NO PLAN"" ""INTEREST ONLY-3 MONTHS DEFERRAL"" |
homeOwnership | String | The home ownership status provided by the borrower during registration |
ilUtil | Number | Ratio of total current balance to high credit/credit limit on all install acct |
initialListStatus | String | The initial listing status of the loan. Possible values are W, F |
inqFi | Integer | Number of personal finance inquiries |
inqLast12M | Integer | Number of credit inquiries in past 12 months |
inqLast6mths | Integer | The Number of inquiries by creditors during the past 6 months |
installment | Number | The monthly payment owed by the borrower if the loan originates |
intRate | Number | Interest rate that is being charged for the loan |
interestPending | BigDecimal | Pending amount of interest the investor is expecting once a payment settles |
interestReceived | BigDecimal | Total interest received by investor. Only includes settled payments, not payments in flight |
isIncV | String | Indicates if income is verified by LendingClub |
issuedDate | Date | Date one which the loan was issued to the borrower |
jointApp | String | Indicator if this loan is a joint application or not - values can be Y or N |
lastCreditPullD | Date | Date when the borrowers credit report was last pulled by LendingClub |
lastFicoRangeHigh | Integer | The upper boundary of range the borrower's FICO belongs to, upon the most recent check with the credit bureau |
lastFicoRangeLow | Integer | The lower boundary of range the borrower's FICO belongs to, based on the most recent data available from the credit bureau |
lastPymntAmnt | BigDecimal | Amount of the most recently completed payment by the borrower |
lastPymntD | Date | Date of last payment completed by the borrower |
lateFeesReceived | BigDecimal | Total amount of late fees received by the investor from the loan |
listD | String | First listing date of the loan |
loanAmount | Number | The listed amount of the loan applied for by the borrower. If at some |
loanId | Integer | Unique LendingClub ID number for the loan |
loanStatus | String | Status of the loan at the time of the sale |
loanStatusDate | Date | Date that the loanStatus field changed most recently |
loanType | String | "Type of application LEAD INVITATION APPLICATION |
maxBalBc | Number | Maximum current balance owed on all revolving accounts |
mortAcc | Integer | Number of mortgage accounts |
moSinOldIlAcct | Integer | Months since oldest installment account opened |
moSinOldRevTlOp | Integer | Months since oldest revolving account opened |
moSinRcntRevTlOp | Integer | Months since most recent revolving account opened. |
moSinRcntTl | Integer | Months since most recent account opened |
mthsSinceLastDelinq | Integer | The Number of months since the borrower's last delinquency |
mthsSinceLastMajorDerog | Integer | Months since most recent 90-day or worse rating |
mthsSinceLastRecord | Integer | The Number of months since the last public record |
mthsSinceRcntIl | Integer | Months since most recent installment accounts opened |
mthsSinceRecentBC | Integer | Months since most recent bankcard account opened |
mthsSinceRecentBcDlq | Integer | Months since most recent bankcard delinquency |
mthsSinceRecentInq | Integer | Months since most recent inquiry |
mthsSinceRecentRevolDelinq | Integer | Months since most recent revolving delinquency |
newDueDate | Integer | Day of the month that the regular payment date has been changed to |
nextPaymentDate | Integer | Date when the next payment for the loan is scheduled to be paid |
noteAmount | BigDecimal | Value of the Note based on the principal outstanding |
noteId | Integer | Unique LendingClub ID for the Note |
noteIssuedDate | Date | Date Note was originally issued |
noteStatus | String | Status of the note. Can be ISSUED CURRENT GRACE PERIOD LATE 16-30 DAYS LATE 31-120 DAYS DEFAULT CHARGED-OFF |
numAcctsEver120Pd | Integer | Number of accounts ever 120 or more days past due |
numActvBcTl | Integer | Number of currently active bankcard accounts |
numActvRevTl | Integer | Number of currently active revolving trades |
numBcSats | Integer | Number of satisfactory bankcard accounts |
numBcTl | Integer | Number of bankcard accounts |
numIlTl | Integer | Number of installment accounts |
numOpRevTl | Integer | Number of open revolving accounts |
numRevAccts | Integer | Number of revolving accounts |
numRevTlBalGt0 | Integer | Number of revolving trades with balance > 0 |
numSats | Integer | Number of satisfactory accounts |
numTl120Dpd2M | Integer | Number of accounts currently 120 days past due (updated in past 2 months) |
numTl30Dpd | Integer | Number of accounts currently 30 days past due (updated in past 2 months) |
numTl90GDpd24M | Integer | Number of accounts 90 or more days past due in last 24 months |
numTlOpPast12M | Integer | Number of accounts opened in past 12 months |
openAcc | Integer | The Number of open credit lines in the borrower's credit file |
openAcc6M | Integer | Number of open trades in last 6 months |
openActIl | Integer | Number of currently active installment trades. This field is a replacement field for openIl6m |
openIl12M | Integer | Number of installment accounts opened in past 12 months |
openIl24M | Integer | Number of installment accounts opened in past 24 months |
openRv12M | Integer | Number of revolving trades opened in past 12 months |
openRv24M | Integer | Number of revolving trades opened in past 24 months |
orderDate | Date | Date when the order was placed for the loan |
orderId | Integer | Unique ID for the order placed |
originalAssetAmount | BigDecimal | Original amount that the borrower borrowed at the time of issuance |
originalContractDueDate | Integer | Day of month that the borrower was originally meant to make monthly payment |
origProjectedAdditional AccruedInterest | String | The additional interest amount that will accrue for the given Payment Plan |
outPrncp | BigDecimal | Principal outstanding on the Note/Loan |
outPrncpInv | BigDecimal | Total principal outstanding for the investor not including any amount funded by LC |
outstandingPrincipal | BigDecimal | Principal outstanding on the Note/Loan |
paymentPlanStartDate | Date | Date borrower started on payment plan |
paymentsReceived | BigDecimal | Total amount of settled payments received. Payments in flight not included |
pctTlNvrDlq | Integer | Percent of trades never delinquent |
pendingPrincipalPayment | BigDecimal | Pending amount of principal the investor is expecting once a payment settles |
percentBcGt75 | Number | Percentage of all bankcard accounts > 75% of limit |
portfolioId | String | ID of the portfolio this Note is part of |
portfolioName | String | Name of portfolio |
principalReceived | BigDecimal | Total principal received by the investor |
pubRec | Integer | Number of derogatory public records |
pubRecBankruptcies | Integer | Number of public record bankruptcies |
purchaseInterest | BigDecimal | The amount of accrued interest that has not been received as of the date of the last sale |
purchasePrincipal | BigDecimal | The remaining principal on the loan as of the date of the last sale |
purpose | String | A category provided by the borrower for the loan request. Values are: |
pymntPlan | String | Indicator for whether loan has ever been on hardship plan – can be Y or N |
intRate | Number | Interest rate that is being charged for the loan |
recoveries | BigDecimal | Amount recovered from borrowers who charged off |
revolBal | Number | Total credit revolving balance |
revolBalJoint | Number | Sum of revolving credit balance of the co-borrowers, net of duplicate balances |
revolUtil | Number | Revolving line utilization rate, or the amount of credit the borrower is using relative to all available revolving credit |
secAppChargeoffWithin12Mths | Integer | Number of charge-offs within last 12 months at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppCollections12MthsExMed | Integer | Number of collections within last 12 months excluding medical collections at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppEarliestCrLine | String | Earliest credit line at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppFicoRangeHigh | Integer | FICO range (high) for the secondary applicant |
secAppFicoRangeLow | Integer | FICO range (low) for the secondary applicant |
secAppInqLast6Mths | Integer | Credit inquiries in the last 6 months at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppMortAcc | Integer | Number of mortgage accounts at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppMthsSinceLastMajorDerog | Integer | Months since most recent 90-day or worse rating at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppNumRevAccts | Integer | Number of revolving accounts at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppOpenAcc | Integer | Number of open trades at time of application for the secondary applicant |
secAppOpenActIl | Integer | Number of currently active installment trades at time of application for the secondary applicant. This field is a replacement field for secAppOpenIl6m |
secAppRevolUtil | Number | Ratio of total current balance to high credit/credit limit for all revolving accounts |
serviceFeeRate | Number | Service fee rate paid by the investor for this loan. |
settlementAmount | BigDecimal | Settlement payment amount per pay period |
settlementDate | Date | Date at which a borrower agreed on a settlement plan |
settlementPercentage | Integer | "Settlement amount as a percentage of the Settlement Payoff Balance |
settlementStatus | String | "The current status of the settlement plan DRAFT ACTIVE BROKEN COMPLETE DENIED CANCELLED |
settlementTerm | Integer | Number of payments on settlement plan |
subGrade | String | LendingClub assigned loan subgrade |
taxLiens | Integer | Number of tax liens |
term | Integer | The Number of payments on the loan. Values are in months and can be either 36 or 60 |
title | String | What the borrower’s specified use case for the loan is – name of the loan |
totalAcc | Integer | The total Number of credit lines currently in the borrower's credit file |
totalBalExMort | Integer | Total credit balance excluding mortgage |
totalBalIl | Number | Total current balance of all installment accounts |
totalBcLimit | Integer | Total bankcard high credit/credit limit |
totalCuTl | Integer | Number of credit union trades |
totalIlHighCreditLimit | Integer | Total installment high credit/credit limit |
totalPymnt | BigDecimal | Total payments received by the investor, payment in flight that has not been settled is not included in this field |
totalPymntInv | BigDecimal | Total payments received by investor |
totalRecInt | BigDecimal | Total interest received by the investor at the time of sale |
totalRecLateFee | BigDecimal | Total amount of late fees received by the investor |
totalRecPrncp | BegDecimal | Total amount of principal received by the investor |
totalRevHiLim | Integer | Total revolving high credit/credit limit |
totCollAmt | Integer | Total collection amounts ever owed |
totCurBal | Integer | Total current balance of all accounts |
totHiCredLim | Integer | Total high credit/credit limit |
url | String | URL to the loan detail page |
verificationStatusJoint | String | Joint app loan income verification status |
wasPurchasedSecondary | String | Indicator if this loan was purchased previously on the secondary market – can be Y or N |
zipCode | String | The first 3 numbers of the ZIP code provided by the borrower in the loan application |
asOfDate | Timestamp | Effective UTC timestamp of the listings response |
neverLate | Boolean | Indicates whether the loan has ever been late. FALSE when the status of the loan has ever been in Grace Period, Delinquent, In Collections, or Defaulted. TRUE otherwise |
HTTP Status Summary:
Code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Validation or business error |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not found |
452 | Market closed |
500 | Unexpected failure |
Sample Response:
"loanId": "113065757",
"noteId": "162194222",
"noteStatus": "ISSUED",
"noteAmount": 8000,
"term": 36,
"grade": "B2",
"subGrade": "null",
"intRate": 9.93,
"expDefaultRate": "null",
"serviceFeeRate": "null",
"purpose": "Medical Expenses",
"loanAmount": 8000,
"loanStatus": "Current",
"orderId": "159630754",
"issuedDate": "2017-07-10",
"outstandingPrincipal": 3623.502540401,
"portfolioId": null,
"portfolioName": null,
"nextPaymentDate": "2019-01-16",
"paymentsReceived": 4379.55,
"orderDate": "2017-07-09",
"loanStatusDate": "2017-08-10",
"interestPending": 0,
"principalReceived": 3483.466102494,
"interestReceived": 896.083897506,
"currentPaymentStatus": "Completed",
"canBeTraded": true,
"accruedInterest": 29.984483523,
"applicationType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"disbursementMethod": "CASH",
"pendingPrincipalPayment": 0,
"lateFeesReceived": 0,
"noteIssuedDate": "2017-07-12",
"loanType": "Personal",
"wasPurchasedSecondary": "0",
"firstMonthPayment": null,
"purchasePrincipal": 8000,
"originalAssetAmount": 8000,
"originalContractDueDate": 10,
"newDueDate": " ",
"countPayDay": 0,
"purchaseInterest": 0,
"productId": "1",
"jointApp": false,
"askPricePercentage": 1,
"askPriceBasis": "PRINCIPAL",
"estimatedAskPrice": 3653.487023924,
"installment": null,
"empTitle": null,
"empLength": null,
"homeOwnership": null,
"annualInc": null,
"isIncV": null,
"acceptDate": null,
"expDate": null,
"listD": null,
"pymntPlan": null,
"url": null,
"desc": null,
"title": null,
"zipCode": null,
"addrState": null,
"accNowDelinq": null,
"accOpenPast24mths": null,
"bcOpenToBuy": null,
"percentBcGt75": null,
"bcUtil": null,
"dti": null,
"delinq2yrs": null,
"delinqAmnt": null,
"earliestCrLineDate": null,
"ficoRangeLow": null,
"ficoRangeHigh": null,
"inqLast6mths": null,
"mthsSinceLastDelinq": null,
"mthsSinceLastRecord": null,
"mthsSinceRecentInq": null,
"mthsSinceRecentRevolDelinq": null,
"mthsSinceRecentBC": null,
"mortAcc": null,
"openAcc": null,
"pubRec": null,
"totalBalExMort": null,
"revolBal": null,
"revolUtil": null,
"totalBcLimit": null,
"totalAcc": null,
"initialListStatus": null,
"outPrncp": null,
"outPrncpInv": null,
"totalPymnt": null,
"totalPymntInv": null,
"totalRecPrncp": null,
"totalRecInt": null,
"totalRecLateFee": null,
"recoveries": null,
"collectionRecoveryFee": null,
"lastPymntD": null,
"lastPymntAmnt": null,
"lastCreditPullD": null,
"lastFicoRangeHigh": null,
"lastFicoRangeLow": null,
"totalIlHighCreditLimit": null,
"numRevAccts": null,
"mthsSinceRecentBcDlq": null,
"pubRecBankruptcies": null,
"numAcctsEver120Pd": null,
"chargeoffWithin12Mths": null,
"collections12MthsExMed": null,
"taxLiens": null,
"mthsSinceLastMajorDerog": null,
"numSats": null,
"numTlOpPast12M": null,
"moSinRcntTl": null,
"totHiCredLim": null,
"totCurBal": null,
"avgCurBal": null,
"numBcTl": null,
"numActvBcTl": null,
"numBcSats": null,
"pctTlNvrDlq": null,
"numTl90GDpd24M": null,
"numTl30Dpd": null,
"numTl120Dpd2M": null,
"numIlTl": null,
"moSinOldIlAcct": null,
"numActvRevTl": null,
"moSinOldRevTlOp": null,
"moSinRcntRevTlOp": null,
"totalRevHiLim": null,
"numRevTlBalGt0": null,
"numOpRevTl": null,
"totCollAmt": null,
"annualIncJoint": null,
"dtiJoint": null,
"verificationStatusJoint": null,
"openAcc6M": null,
"openActIl": null,
"openIl12M": null,
"openIl24M": null,
"mthsSinceRcntIl": null,
"totalBalIl": null,
"ilUtil": null,
"openRv12M": null,
"openRv24M": null,
"maxBalBc": null,
"allUtil": null,
"inqFi": null,
"totalCuTl": null,
"inqLast12M": null,
"revolBalJoint": null,
"secAppFicoRangeLow": null,
"secAppFicoRangeHigh": null,
"secAppEarliestCrLine": null,
"secAppInqLast6Mths": null,
"secAppMortAcc": null,
"secAppOpenAcc": null,
"secAppRevolUtil": null,
"secAppOpenActIl": null,
"secAppNumRevAccts": null,
"secAppChargeoffWithin12Mths": null,
"secAppCollections12MthsExMed": null,
"secAppMthsSinceLastMajorDerog": null,
"hardshipFlag": null,
"hardshipType": null,
"hardshipReason": null,
"hardshipStatus": null,
"deferralTerm": null,
"hardshipAmount": null,
"hardshipStartDate": null,
"hardshipEndDate": null,
"paymentPlanStartDate": null,
"hardshipLength": null,
"hardshipDaysPastDue": null,
"hardshipLoanStatus": null,
"origProjectedAdditionalAccruedInterest": null,
"hardshipPayoffBalanceAmount": null,
"hardshipLastPaymentAmount": null,
"debtSettlementFlag": null,
"debtSettlementFlagDate": null,
"settlementStatus": null,
"settlementDate": null,
"settlementAmount": null,
"settlementPercentage": null,
"settlementTerm": null
"loanId": "25467121" ,
"noteId": "56002388" ,
"noteStatus": "ISSUED" ,
"noteAmount": 11200 ,
"term": 60 ,
"grade": "B4" ,
"rate": 11.67 ,
"purpose": "Debt Consolidation",
"loanAmount": 11200,
"loanStatus": "Current",
"orderId": "35230762",
"issuedDate": "2014-08-26",
"outstandingPrincipal": 965.088172525,
"portfolioId": null,
"portfolioName": null,
"nextPaymentDate": "2019-05-22",
"paymentsReceived": 13818.57,
"orderDate": "2014-08-22",
"loanStatusDate": "2014-09-25",
"interestPending": 0,
"principalReceived": 10234.911827475,
"interestReceived": 3583.658172525,
"currentPaymentStatus": "Completed",
"canBeTraded": true,
"accruedInterest": 7.5083859816,
"applicationType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"disbursementMethod": "CASH",
"pendingPrincipalPayment": 0,
"lateFeesReceived": 0,
"noteIssuedDate": null,
"loanType": "Personal",
"wasPurchasedSecondary": "0",
"firstMonthPayment": null,
"purchasePrincipal": 11200,
"originalAssetAmount": 11200,
"originalContractDueDate": 26,
"newDueDate": "16",
"countPayDay": 1,
"purchaseInterest": 0,
"productId": "1",
"jointApp": false,
"askPricePercentage": 0.98,
"askPriceBasis": "PRINCIPAL",
"estimatedAskPrice": 953.2947950561,
"installment": null,
"empTitle": null,
"empLength": null,
"homeOwnership": null,
"annualInc": null,
"isIncV": null,
"acceptDate": null,
"expDate": null,
"listD": null,
"pymntPlan": null,
"url": null,
"desc": null,
"title": null,
"zipCode": null,
"addrState": null,
"accNowDelinq": null,
"accOpenPast24mths": null,
"bcOpenToBuy": null,
"percentBcGt75": null,
"bcUtil": null,
"dti": null,
"delinq2yrs": null,
"delinqAmnt": null,
"earliestCrLineDate": null,
"ficoRangeLow": null,
"ficoRangeHigh": null,
"inqLast6mths": null,
"mthsSinceLastDelinq": null,
"mthsSinceLastRecord": null,
"mthsSinceRecentInq": null,
"mthsSinceRecentRevolDelinq": null,
"mthsSinceRecentBC": null,
"mortAcc": null,
"openAcc": null,
"pubRec": null,
"totalBalExMort": null,
"revolBal": null,
"revolUtil": null,
"totalBcLimit": null,
"totalAcc": null,
"initialListStatus": null,
"outPrncp": null,
"outPrncpInv": null,
"totalPymnt": null,
"totalPymntInv": null,
"totalRecPrncp": null,
"totalRecInt": null,
"totalRecLateFee": null,
"recoveries": null,
"collectionRecoveryFee": null,
"lastPymntD": null,
"lastPymntAmnt": null,
"lastCreditPullD": null,
"lastFicoRangeHigh": null,
"lastFicoRangeLow": null,
"totalIlHighCreditLimit": null,
"numRevAccts": null,
"mthsSinceRecentBcDlq": null,
"pubRecBankruptcies": null,
"numAcctsEver120Pd": null,
"chargeoffWithin12Mths": null,
"collections12MthsExMed": null,
"taxLiens": null,
"mthsSinceLastMajorDerog": null,
"numSats": null,
"numTlOpPast12M": null,
"moSinRcntTl": null,
"totHiCredLim": null,
"totCurBal": null,
"avgCurBal": null,
"numBcTl": null,
"numActvBcTl": null,
"numBcSats": null,
"pctTlNvrDlq": null,
"numTl90GDpd24M": null,
"numTl30Dpd": null,
"numTl120Dpd2M": null,
"numIlTl": null,
"moSinOldIlAcct": null,
"numActvRevTl": null,
"moSinOldRevTlOp": null,
"moSinRcntRevTlOp": null,
"totalRevHiLim": null,
"numRevTlBalGt0": null,
"numOpRevTl": null,
"totCollAmt": null,
"annualIncJoint": null,
"dtiJoint": null,
"verificationStatusJoint": null,
"openAcc6M": null,
"openActIl": null,
"openIl12M": null,
"openIl24M": null,
"mthsSinceRcntIl": null,
"totalBalIl": null,
"ilUtil": null,
"openRv12M": null,
"openRv24M": null,
"maxBalBc": null,
"allUtil": null,
"inqFi": null,
"totalCuTl": null,
"inqLast12M": null,
"revolBalJoint": null,
"secAppFicoRangeLow": null,
"secAppFicoRangeHigh": null,
"secAppEarliestCrLine": null,
"secAppInqLast6Mths": null,
"secAppMortAcc": null,
"secAppOpenAcc": null,
"secAppRevolUtil": null,
"secAppOpenActIl": null,
"secAppNumRevAccts": null,
"secAppChargeoffWithin12Mths": null,
"secAppCollections12MthsExMed": null,
"secAppMthsSinceLastMajorDerog": null,
"hardshipFlag": null,
"hardshipType": null,
"hardshipReason": null,
"hardshipStatus": null,
"deferralTerm": null,
"hardshipAmount": null,
"hardshipStartDate": null,
"hardshipEndDate": null,
"paymentPlanStartDate": null,
"hardshipLength": null,
"hardshipDaysPastDue": null,
"hardshipLoanStatus": null,
"origProjectedAdditionalAccruedInterest": null,
"hardshipPayoffBalanceAmount": null,
"hardshipLastPaymentAmount": null,
"debtSettlementFlag": null,
"debtSettlementFlagDate": null,
"settlementStatus": null,
"settlementDate": null,
"settlementAmount": null,
"settlementPercentage": null,
"settlementTerm": null
"asOfDate": "2019-06-05T22:56:08.810Z",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 3,
“roomName”: “CENTRAL_MARKET”