If you're ready to pay off your loan, congratulations! That's a big achievement. Once you pay off your loan, you won’t owe any additional interest and your monthly payments will end.
Please call 855-846-0153 to schedule the payoff details based on the day you want to pay off your loan and how you’ll send the payment. The simplest way to pay off your loan is through an ACH transfer from your linked bank account to LendingClub.
If you prefer to pay by check, you can send us your check payment either by postal or courier mail. We’ll give you a payoff amount that is valid for the next 14 days, giving time for your check to reach us. If we receive and apply your payment before that time, we’ll refund you the difference.
Standard mail
Mail a check with your loan number via standard mail to the following address. (Don't forget to write your loan number on your check):
LendingClub Corporation
P.O. Box 884268
Los Angeles, CA 90088-4268
Courier or overnight delivery
Send a check via overnight delivery to the following address: (Don't forget to write your loan number on your check.)
Lockbox Services - #0134268
LendingClub Corporation
3440 Flair Dr.
El Monte, CA 91731